Friday, June 5, 2015

1940 MAN MPE 1 trolleybuses, Eberswalde, Germany

The Eberswalde system began on 3 November 1940 with 11 of the buses shown.  Only one contiued in use after war damage in April 1945 and was withdrawn in 1959.  The system is still operating, the oldest of the three remaining systems in Germany and currently is about 37 km with two routes. (The other two still operating are in Esslingen and Solingen.) The first pic was taken when they were new, the second is a postcard from the 1950s.

Here is a video showing a "Sonderfahrt mit historischen Obussen in Eberswalde als Weihnachtsfeier des Denkmalpflege-Vereins Nahverkehr Berlin e.V. DVN am 13. Dezember 2008" (special trip with historic trolleybuses in Eberswalde as a Christmas celebration of the Historic Preservation Society of Berlin Local Traffic on 13 December 2008.)

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