Monday, November 16, 2015

France attacks ISIS back massively

An announcement on the website

La France bombarde massivement la ville syrienne de Raqqa, principal fief du groupe Etat islamique en Syrie, annonce le ministère de la Défense, dimanche 15 novembre. Ces frappes aériennes interviennent deux jours après les attentats qui ont fait au moins 129 morts à Paris, et qui ont été revendiqués par l'organisation jihadiste. 

("The French defense forces massively bombarded the Syrian city of Raqqa, seat of the Islamic State group, announced the Minister of Defense on Sunday 15 November.  These aerial strikes took place two days after the attacks which killed at least 129 in Paris and which the jihad organisation claimed responsibility for.")

Another article on the LA Times website says that US intelligence gave the French details on the targets to hit.

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